Become an artist from your home!

Paint from home with our Box Art@Home. You can become an artist for a day and end up with a painting hanging on the wall of your home. The activity can be done alone or in company. Dare to paint and you will be surprised!

paint from home

What is Art@Home? Paint from home

 To get your creative juices flowing and to keep you entertained at home, we've launched our new Art@Home program - paint from home with us! All you need to do is choose one of our paints below and we'll send you an online video tutorial that will teach you how to recreate the painting from the comfort of your home. No previous experience, no worries and no excuses. If you live in the city of Barcelona, we can even send the materials directly to your home.

 Take advantage and enjoy a different activity while you paint from home, we are sure you will not regret it and you will want to repeat!


paint from home

Paint from home with Art@Home now!

Video tutorial only

If you already have the tools and materials needed to paint from home, but just need some expert guidance, we will provide you with a video tutorial that covers every step of the painting process with our master expert.

You will enjoy a step-by-step explanation of the painting of your choice while you paint your artwork at home.

Price: 9,50 / Offer: 7 € / 7 € / Offer: 7 €

paint from home

Box completa: Paint from home now

You also have the option to purchase both the video tutorial online and the materials to paint at home. We can deliver the following Box directly to your door along with our step-by-step video tutorial.

Complete box: Tutorial video + materials

- Art@Home complete box:
- Easel
- Palette
- 5 colors
- Canvas
- 3 brushes of different sizes
- Online tutorial video

    Price: 62€ / Offer: 39€.

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